The hottest reality show on Television these days is the Greatest Loser on NBC. Season following season, individuals transform their bodies and themselves with incredible weight reduction, which is achieved by challenging work, eating perfect and physical exercise. Taylor Precision Products, the leader within the bath scale industry, adds to its Greatest Loser line having a body fat scale, so now each weight and body fat can be monitored when reaching objectives. The extra massive readout is important to this scale , all readings display all at one time, weight, body fat percent and body water percent. Other standard functions incorporate a Everyday Caloric Reference which indicates the calories intake needed to sustain present weight, the Fitness Minder feature that calculates BMI, body mass index, which is used in most doctors offices ,athlete mode option, and also a scale only mode for basic weight measurements. Other details: the LCD readout is 1.9 inches in overall height, body fat and body water are measured towards the 0.1%, the scale capacity is 350 lbs in 0.two lb increments, and there are actually 12 memory spots to save personal information. (Review More...)